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TSC Board Members

Executive Directors


President: Liz Horner

Vice President: Linda Gingles

Treasurer: Brandie Correia

Secretary: Zelda Kieztmann

Coaches Rep: Kayti Gingles   


Directors at Large:
Registration:  Mary Mamchur 
Assessment Coordinator: Jay Dilley
Other Chairperson positions:
Volunteer Coordinator: Paige Groot
Fundraising: Vacant
Sponsorship: Tamara Prevost
Hospitality Chair: Rebekah Mackenzie
Equipment Chair: Sheena Horner
Publicity (& Website):  Vera Liubomudrova
Coach/Skater Rep: Steve Kietzmann
Ice booking: Marsha Classen
Club Administrator: Kayti Gingles

TSC Board of Directors Job Descriptions

Board Member Nomination Form

TSC Board Meetings

All regular season board meetings will try to be held the first Tuesday or Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Rich McDaniel Meeting Room at the Terrace Sportsplex.


Non-board members must contact the Club President if they would like to attend a scheduled Board Meeting. Please note approval to attend may not always be granted.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) tentative April of each year.

Who can attend a TSC Board Meeting?

  • TSC elected Directors (including appointed Coaches Rep)

  • TSC elected Directors at Large

Who must request permission to attend a TSC Board Meeting?

  • TSC volunteer Chairpersons

  • TSC coaches 

  • TSC volunteers

  • TSC members or parent of a skating member

  • Public with interest in TSC

Who can vote at a TSC Board Meeting?

  • Only elected Directors, elected Directors at Large, appointed Coaches Rep can vote.

  • Any one who has a conflict of interest with the topic being discussed must step out of that portion of the meeting.

Who can attend an ‘in camera’ part of the Board meeting?

  • Only elected Directors, Directors at Large & Coaches Rep can attend ‘in camera’ portions of a Board meeting.

  • Any one who has a conflict of interest with the topic being discussed must step out of the ‘in camera’.

Where can one view the TSC Board meeting minutes?

  • A copy of all regular meeting minutes can be requested in writing to the TSC Secretary.

  • Financials are kept confidential among the acting Board until the AGM.

  • In-camera portions of meetings are confidential to Elected Board Members. These meetings are NOT to be viewed or discussed outside of these members.

AGM (Annual General Meeting):

  • The AGM must be held within 30 days of the last day of the regular skating season and all Club Members are encouraged to attend.
    This is an important meeting for all members involved in the Club to attend as new Board Members are voted in and major by-laws and constitutions are voted and changed.

Planning Meetings:

  • TSC newly elected Board members have Spring planning meetings in April / May / June.  These meetings are closed to Board & Coaching staff only.

Our Sponsors 

TSC is successful because of sponsorships received from local businesses and gaming funds from the BC Government 

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